


For immediately dangerous and life threatening situations, please contact Public Safety. Call 911 from UD Campus Phone or Call (937) 229-2121 from all other phones.


对于所有其他问题, please scroll down for questions that will help you determine where to report your concern. Links or contact details are available under each question.  

体育博彩建立在天主教和天主教传统的基础上,体育博彩努力通过体育博彩对社区共同利益的承诺来实现这些价值观.  We are unfortunately unable to oust all injustices from our campus community. 你可能会注意到(或成为接受者)不公正的行为,或在体育博彩的校园社区有一个关注. 体育博彩鼓励个人尝试与受影响的个人一起解决问题,或者向主管报告体育博彩的问题. 有时你可能会觉得不舒服 if the matter appears to be criminal, do not go to the affected individual(s) first.  在这些情况下,体育博彩为您设计了一些途径(如下所列)来报告您的担忧并确保获得帮助.  体育博彩鼓励每个人通过报告他们的担忧来支持和加强体育博彩的校园社区. 

请注意,这些资源不是全天候监控的. 寻求紧急援助(当你处于紧急危险或有生命危险的情况时), 请拨打校园电话911联系公共安全部门,或拨打其他电话97-229-2121. 

Reporting frequently asked questions and avenues for filing a report:


如果你有紧急情况或目击犯罪事件,请联系公共安全部门. The Department of Public Safety is a service oriented organization which provides police, 紧急医疗, 学生交通, and parking services to the University community 24 hours per day, 一周七天.

Additional Public Safety information available here or call 911 from a campus phone or 937-229-2121 on any non-University phone. 


如果你有顾虑,并且不确定应该使用哪种报告途径,或者是否担心保密或报复, 使用私人通话专线. A report can be made online or by making a toll-free phone call. 这两种方法都由Navex/EthicsPoint管理,Navex/EthicsPoint是第三方承包商,负责为记者保密. 

Additional 私聊专线 可用信息或在此提交报告.


如果你或你在大学社区认识的人有过性暴力的经历, 你有选择.  确保你在一个安全的地方,考虑是否需要医疗救助,并与他人交谈.  For confidential assistance contact an advocate at Artemis in Dayton call (937) 461-HELP (4357) or RAINN's national hotline at (800) 656-4673, or students can meet with a clinician at the University Counseling Center 937-229-3141

To report information or learn more about options for reporting visit 这里是股权合规办公室.


The University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, 国家或民族出身, sex/gender, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, disability, 遗传信息, military status, veteran status, familial status or any other protected category under applicable local, 州或联邦法律, 条例或规例.  Harassment constitutes a form of discrimination that is prohibited by University policy. 

不受欢迎的行为:基于个人实际或被认为属于受保护阶层的行为, or 其他降低个人价值的行为, 与体育博彩作为天主教大学的基本承诺是不相容的吗, 因此是被大学禁止的. 

To submit a bias incident or discriminatory or harassing behavior click the red button on the 股权合规办公室在此

在工作中受伤应及时向主管和人力资源部报告.  If you or your employee suffers an injury while on the job, refer to the information about the Workers’ Compensation program (available at the link below), 包括指令, information on the process and forms for reporting injuries. 这也适用于学生雇员. 

Additional employee injury information available here. 

联系风险管理和保险 (体育博彩见下文)

如果你曾经受伤(与工作无关), 差点受伤, 或者观察到校园里不安全的情况, 请与以下任何一名联络:

Assistant Vice President, Compliance and 环境卫生 & Safety
Email: kcleaver1@gokcesonmemis.com 

风险管理副总监 & Insurance
Email: mkeenan1@gokcesonmemis.com

Contact UDRI Ethics or the Department of Defense Hotline

UDRI’s integrity is core to its identity and central to its values. A strong culture of integrity is vital to UDRI’s reputation as a leading research institute. 有关研究的伦理问题应尽快通过联系你的直接主管报告, 下一阶段的监督, or file a report using one of the following methods. See Policy for Business Ethics & 赞助研究诚信准则.  


Call: UDRI Hotline at 937-229-4848; 这种方法不能保证匿名
Email: ethics@udri.gokcesonmemis.com; 这种方法不能保证匿名
Write: 研究伦理300学院公园代顿, OH 45469-7758; you may include contact information or remain anonymous

To report through the University of Dayton's "私聊专线":

Call: 855-550-0654; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous
Visit: http://www.udayton.ethicspoint.com; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous


Call: DOD Hotline toll-free at 800-424-9098; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous
Visit: http://www.dodig.mil/components/administrative-investigations/DoD-hotline/; this method is anonymous

Contact the C.A.R.E. Team

The Campus Awareness Response and Evaluation Team (C.A.R.E.)是为了帮助学生而创建的. There are often many outward signs that a student is in distress. 知道该注意什么, what to do and what to avoid could be the lifeline your student needs to get help. Additionally, 报告引起你关注的“奇怪”行为可能只是C.A.R.E. 小组需要为那个学生提供帮助. 

Additional C.A.R.E. 可用信息或在此提交报告. 

正如大学关于大学社区内人的尊严和行为标准的声明所述, “体育博彩的校园生活和社区的质量取决于每个成员的行为. The university expects that the behavior of employees will reflect civility, 体面和尊重自己和他人.”

支持这一承诺, 大学和人力资源办公室为员工提供了多种表达和解决问题的方式, 包括以下内容:


人力资源厅鼓励尽早解决冲突, 这是最低的一步. 在适当的情况下,鼓励处于冲突中的员工使用非正式的解决方案,以双方都满意的方式解决冲突. Many times a small problem will be successfully resolved immediately, 而不是让它溃烂和成长, 导致了一个更大的问题. 员工在工作时应该考虑使用以下技巧来非正式地表达他们的担忧:


State your concern from your perspective, for example:

  • 我发现很难……
  • 我无法在截止日期前完成……
  • 我觉得缺乏尊重,当…


  • Listen to what the other person is saying instead of preparing to respond.
  • 避免打断对方.
  • 在对方说完话之后,重新措辞以确保你理解了他所说的话.

Avoid blaming

  • Focus on the facts, finding fault can prevent problem-solving.

Stay focused

  • Avoid getting sidetracked and discussing other issues.
  • Keep bringing the conversation back to the concern you’ve stated.


The Employee Care Team has been created to help faculty and staff. 无论你是关心某人的健康,还是目睹了员工处于困境的外在迹象, 人力资源部有一个团队可以帮助你. 体育博彩是一个关心的社区, 报告问题可能是团队需要为该员工提供帮助的更大难题的另一部分. The Employee Care Team is also available to assist with other HR related matters, including the informal and formal resolution of conflict between peers, 和/或监管机构.

The HR Care Team is available to assist employees seeking to resolve their concerns informally. 不能通过非正式方式成功解决的问题可以从其他可用的非正式或正式资源中受益.

The following Human Resource staff lead the Care Team and are available to help. 

Jennifer Duwel
Email: jduwel@gokcesonmemis.com

Teshia M. Ligon
Email: Tligon1@gokcesonmemis.com 



LifeWorks, your EAP, 提供免费和保密的支持, guidance, 这些资源可以帮助你解决工作或家庭中的各种个人问题,迎接生活中的挑战, 包括工作场所冲突. Lifeworks is available 24/7 and includes on-line resources, 电话咨询, 面对面的咨询, 以及虚拟会议.


大学成立了 员工争议解决政策 to facilitate the timely and objective review of information for the purpose of fact-finding, clarification and determination on matters found to be appropriate for review.

This policy applies to all University staff and student employees, 除了谈判单位的员工和教职员工对教职员工申诉程序所涉及的事项有争议, 如教师手册所述. 任何员工如果认为他/她有有效的争议,应该将投诉告知他/她的直接主管,并与他/她充分讨论此事. 如果讨论没有得出一个令人满意的解决方案,或者如果员工不愿意直接去找他/她的主管, the employee may initiate the Dispute Resolution Procedure.


The University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, 国家或民族出身, sex/gender, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, disability, 遗传信息, military status, veteran status, familial status or any other protected category under applicable local, 州或联邦法律, 条例或规例.  Harassment constitutes a form of discrimination that is prohibited by University policy.

不受欢迎的行为:基于个人实际或被认为属于受保护阶层的行为, or 其他降低个人价值的行为, 与体育博彩作为天主教大学的基本承诺是不相容的吗, 因此是被大学禁止的.

如果你或你在大学社区认识的人有过性暴力的经历, 你有选择.  确保你在一个安全的地方,考虑是否需要医疗救助,并与他人交谈.  如需保密协助,请致电(937)461 - help(4357)或RAINN的全国热线(800)656-4673与代顿Artemis的倡导者联系, or students can meet with a clinician at the University Counseling Center 937-229-3141.

要提交关于偏见事件或歧视或骚扰行为的报告,请单击提交报告 股权合规办公室网站.


如果你有顾虑,并且不确定应该使用哪种报告途径,或者是否担心保密或报复, use the 私聊专线. A report can be made online or by making a toll-free phone call. 这两种方法都由Navex/EthicsPoint管理,Navex/EthicsPoint是第三方承包商,负责为记者保密.

Additional 私聊专线 可用信息或在此提交报告.

应该真诚地提出关切. 禁止对举报进行任何报复. 如果你觉得自己因举报或调查而受到报复,你可以向法律事务部举报(97-229-4333)。, 股权合规办公室 matters related to nondiscrimination 927-229-3622), 人力资源部(97-229-2541)或 私聊专线 (由第三方ethicpoint管理).  Making a known false report (fabricating information) is also a violation of policy.


Did you see something or hear something and are unsure which reporting option you should use? 你想保密吗? 是否担心报复?? 使用私人通话专线. A report can be made online or a toll-free phone call. 这两种方法都将由ethicpoint管理,ethicpoint是一家第三方服务供应商,负责维护报告者的机密性.  

Additional 私聊专线 可用信息或在此提交报告.


应该真诚地提出关切. 禁止对举报进行任何报复. 如果你觉得自己因举报或调查而受到报复,你可以向法律事务部举报(97-229-4333)。, 股权合规办公室 matters related to nondiscrimination 927-229-3622), 人力资源部(97-229-2541)或 私聊专线 (由第三方ethicpoint管理).  Making a known false report  (fabricating information) is also a violation of policy.


Audit, Risk & Compliance

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